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Hi all friends, my name is Muhammad Nur Ashiddiqi, I'm a blogger from 2014 knowing blogs when I was in junior high school and until now I'm still blogging, this blog is mine personally which I deliberately created to publish interesting articles and tutorials. I hope it is also useful for readers.

When creating this blog, there were a lot of help that my friends gave me, such as a logo, the logo was made by a friend of mine in the area where I live.

The motto of this blog is "Personal Inspirational Blog" yep, the purpose of this blog is actually to inspire all visitors for everything.

The article on this blog, God willing, there is no copy and paste of other people's articles, so God willing, it is purely my own typing.

Hopefully with this blog you can know more and of course I hope this blog is useful for you.

Thank you for all your help starting from clicking on ads, helping to publish articles that I have made and helping all things that are useful for me.